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KM Competences - based on the SeeSaw idea of Knowledge Manaqement


<KM role>

Apply methods, tools and processes to balance document/information-based knowledge sharing with personal/conversational one.

Design rules and contexts for tacit, implicit and explicit knowledge.

This involves understanding of the application domain as well as media/tool based solution patterns and formats like communities of practice/practitioners, lessons learned, supervision and debriefings, social media platforms, urgent requests, social network analysis and specific data analytics etc.

It further includes the impact of sociological and psychological effects on learning and knowledge usage.

Level 1 (e.g. starter)

Knows key concepts of knowledge management and prominent methods/solution patterns.

Level 2 (e.g. basic)

Is able to apply knowledge management related concepts to challenges, where target knowledge has low complexity and can easily be made explicit and shared via document/information based approaches.

Level 3 (e.g. advanced)

Is able to apply knowledge management concepts to challenges that involve complex/expert knowledge in the target domain and balances different modes of knowledge sharing. Is aware of trends and current challenges in knowledge management.

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