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McKinsey Study about Enterprise 2.0

Usage Scenarios


I find the "model" / way of breaking it down more interesting than the actual numers


Adoption Paths of Web -Applications

From recent scientific conceptual ;-) work I know how important and how difficult the topic of adoption is.


O.k. the McK world is made from "bussiness", "it department" and "headquarters". The (global) Siemens story belongs to the 3rd category, which shows that even headquarters can be a-head sometimes. But they better had read some scientific papers. Most real life stories show a very strong component of grass-root activity. It is definitely missing here!

They (McK) sum it up ... (two out of four statements)

Satisfied or not, all companies plan to spend more on Web 2.0 tools—an opportunity for software developers.

Nice to hear ;-) So developers get ready and dig into simple but working web standards!

There are few differences in size, region, or even tool use between companies that are satisfied with their Web 2.0 experience and those that are not. This suggests that today’s seemingly insurmountable barriers could be overcome through the adoption of managerial methods that satisfied companies use.

I only understand (and would embark on) the first sentence. Does anyone have an idea about the second one?

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